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Best Home Upgrades for Your Pets

Victoria Shtainer Real Estate

The number of pet owners in the US is getting larger by the day. We are not only referring to the people living in houses with yards; nowadays many apartment dwellers and renters choose to live with a furry or feathery friend. Since they love them so much, it is natural that they would try and do all that is necessary to make their pets safe and happy. That means that sometimes you need to make some home upgrades for your pets in order to make your living space their living space too. If you are planning to move any time soon, here is your opportunity to make your new home pet-friendly before you move in!

Plan your new home layout with your pet in mind

Just like you would do if you were to move with a baby or a toddler, you should plan your relocation with pet very carefully. The plan should include not only the actual moving but pet-proofing and pet-friendly upgrades that should be done in your new home too. Informing your movers from companies such as that you are a pet owner gives you a chance to get some practical advice for the moving day. Now, let's get back to the upgrades. Here are some of the ideas for you to think about, and we will discuss them later on:

  • Making it easy for your pet to enter your new home;

  • Creating a designated eating area;

  • Making a sleeping nook for your pet;

  • Creating a play area for your pet to enjoy - this will be one of the home upgrades for your pets that they will like the most;

  • Planning a bathing station.

Before you dive into any of these projects, make sure that you set the budget and stick to it. There is nothing that we wouldn't do for our pets, but there is no need to go overboard with the expenses.

Pets tend to be messy, but that is no news. What is new is that manufacturers offer special materials nowadays that are designed to endure longer. If you are upgrading your new home you can choose stain-resistant paint, stain-proof carpets or even scratch-resistant hardwood flooring. On the other hand, if you are buying a place as-is, you might want to make a home inspection before purchasing to check if it is safe for your pet. 

Making it easy for your pet to enter your home

If you would like to adapt your new house to your animal friend's basic needs, you will have to install a pet door. Changing the entire door can be rather expensive and it can be difficult for you to find one that fits your home style and your pet's needs, so maybe you should build in a pet door into your existing one. Most of them are made of unsightly plastic material, but luckily for you, the Internet is flooded by amazing DIY ideas that might cost less and look better than the store-bought ones.

Unfortunately, installing a pet door is not an option for you if you are moving to an apartment downtown. But, if your animal friend has a designated potty area on your deck or patio, maybe you can help them reach the area by making a balcony door pet-friendly. Of course, you should first check whether the policy of your building allows for such adaptations.

Creating a designated eating area can be one of the home upgrades for your pets

Are you one of those pet owners that constantly trip over water and food bowls in your home? Or you have a clumsy pet? There are a few solutions to this problem. You may buy some specially designed bowls that are a bit more difficult to overturn or you can opt for an upgrade that is a permanent solution. We are talking about a pull-out drawer that can act as a feeding station. You can install it in your laundry room, mudroom, hallway or any other place you find suitable for your pet to have its meals at. If your future home is an apartment, then we suggest that you use the bottom drawer in one of your kitchen cabinets for this purpose. The eating stations are one of the home features New Yorkers will pay extra for. So, why wouldn't you make your own?

Making a sleeping nook for your pet

It will probably be difficult for your pet to part with its old home, so your job is to make it as stress-free as possible. You can do that by creating a special area where your friend will relax after a long day of playing, running or waiting for you to come back from work. There are some home upgrades for your pets even the owners living in small apartments can try. And we know that the majority of pet owners in Manhattan have the issue with space. For instance, a cabinet in your living room or anywhere else in the house can serve as a pullout bed for your pet. You can have it custom-made with upholstered cushion. Just like you would call Manhattan professionals if you are planning to relocate to that part of the city, you hire a carpenter and have this bed made for your pet.

Creating a play area for your pet to enjoy

Your pet probably misses its natural environment. We get it that it is very difficult to spend much time outside in nature especially if you live in Manhattan, Bronx or any other urban part of the city. That is why people started opening playrooms where you can take your pet to play and run even if the weather outside is rainy or snowy. So, why wouldn't you make a playing station for your pet in your home just alike? Research the Internet and you will find an abundance of ideas!

Planning a bathing station

A lot of pets do not like taking a bath. Even though you might consider yourself lucky for finding an NYC building with pet amenities, your dog might be terrified to walk by the door of a dog salon. You can alleviate the stress they undergo whenever it is time to get cleaned by making a bathing station at home. One of the best home upgrades for your pets is modifying a shower in a way that you can easily use it to keep them clean. Replace your showerhead with a pet-bathing nozzle or build a separate bathtub with a pet-friendly faucet if you can afford it. Or, you can simply convert your shower into a walk-in.

Don't be surprised if your pet, especially if it is a dog, refuses to enter the station at first. It will resist all that is new and different from their previous home. Just be patient and persistent. The most important thing you can do for your pet is to be by them just like they come to us when they feel that we need their support.